Terms of Use

Welcome to supportingstars.com! Let’s go over a few important things to keep in mind as you visit supportingstars.com (also referred to here as “the website”). 

Exploring the Website
Supportingstars.com is the website for Supporting Stars LLC. On the website, you can find information about me, Karyn Macfarlane (the owner of Supporting Stars), information about Supporting Stars’ coaching programs, and resources designed to empower you in your own personal and professional journey. Feel free to explore the website and come back as often as you’d like. I love having you here.

You’ll see first-person references throughout these Terms, because I want you to know who is representing Supporting Stars LLC. Please note that I am speaking and acting in my professional capacity as owner of Supporting Stars.

By using the website, you agree to these Terms: 

Sharing Your Contact Info
If you’d like to stay connected and receive updates, you have the option to provide your contact information. Rest assured that your privacy is of utmost importance to Supporting Stars. I will never share your information without your consent. If you’d like more information about what Supporting Stars does with the information you provide, please see my Privacy Policy, which also makes up part of these Terms.

Content ≄ Coaching
None of the website’s content should be considered coaching. You only receive coaching if you sign up for a coaching program. 

Using Website Information
You can use any information on this website for your personal use only. Everything on this website belongs to Supporting Stars LLC. You can’t treat any of it as your own. Remember you didn’t make this content, so you can’t act like you did.

If you want to share the content with people you think may benefit from it, I am all for that – just make sure you give me credit. Share it by posting a link to the original content (bonus points for letting me know!). 

The Fine Print
You take the information on the website as it is. I don’t promise or guarantee perfection on this website, and you agree to come to the website without an expectation of total perfection or accuracy.

This website is meant to be informative, so please treat it that way. I’m not telling you what to do or trying to decide anything for you. You control all of your own actions, and I’m not responsible for any of those actions.

These Terms are between you and Supporting Stars LLC and any coaching you sign up for will be between you and Supporting Stars LLC.

These Terms are governed by the law of the State of Illinois.

Embracing Change
I’ll update the content on the website from time to time, including these Terms. Every time you visit, your visit will be subject to the most recent version of these Terms.

If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to reach out to me


Last updated: September 12, 2023

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