Pushing Through the Weeds

by | Mar 12, 2023

I noticed these guys last week and they made me think about an important topic:


daffodils pushing through the weeds

These daffodils in our backyard come back every year, regardless of whatever happens with the snow and the rain and everything else. (This season we have had a little snow and a ton of rain.)

We did some cleanup work here last fall, removing a crazy amount of weeds and debris, and I think it really did them some good! They always come up, but they look really strong this year. And actually, I’m noticing more of them now that all the other garbage has been cleared out!

Even though we helped, they themselves also do the work underground – the work that no one sees. Amidst the deeper weeds and who knows what else is under that mulch. ?

My question for you is this: 

What “underground work” are you doing – and what kind of help are you getting – so that you can push through the dirt and the weeds and the mulch and the snow- and rain- storms of life, and come out better and stronger?

Book a no-obligation, complimentary connection call to chat about the underground work you want to do and how I can help you do it!

Stay connected!

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