Do you hear what I hear?

Do you hear what I hear?

Do you hear it? If your world is anything like mine, “it” doesn’t contain a whole lot of silence. “It” is a lot of a lot. And it sure seems like there’s a lot of discussion about silence and rest and stillness and waiting right now. While all of that is beautiful and...
The Beauty of Balance: Defining What it Means for You

The Beauty of Balance: Defining What it Means for You

Balance—a concept that often gets a bad rap, and at the same time, a thing that we all want.  I’m not one of these people who thinks that balance is nonsense. I think, and truly believe, that it’s a critical principle. But when things start to feel totally...
What is coaching anyway?

What is coaching anyway?

I can’t read minds. But right now, I bet I know what you’re thinking… “Karyn, I would LOVE to be able to really truly genuinely support my husband and his dreams and go after my own, too. And it would be awesome if you could help me with that. But what IS...
All the “Stuff” that He Brings Home

All the “Stuff” that He Brings Home

Some days I just want to throw in the towel. No, not on my marriage! On this lifestyle. Like, couldn’t we live in a “normal job” environment for just one day? (But just one day – ok, maybe two – and as an experiment, because I really do love our performers’...
Pushing Through the Weeds

Pushing Through the Weeds

I noticed these guys last week and they made me think about an important topic: Resilience. These daffodils in our backyard come back every year, regardless of whatever happens with the snow and the rain and everything else. (This season we have had a little snow and...
Husband and wife hugging goodbye at airport

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