Stage Lights with Smoke

The Supporting Stars Story

Our high-performing athlete and artist husbands are incredible—talented, driven, determined, ridiculously-hard-working (in a good way, and because they have to be)—and we love them! But sometimes it’s a lot, being in a relationship with one. 

And while the actual jobs they do may be quite different, the challenges and struggles (and joys!) that we face as their supporting women are very similar.

I’m here to help you discover your own individual approach to best support your talented loved one AND pursue your own dreams and goals. 

What happens when you discover and implement your own approach? You create the resilient, strong, and loving family you are meant to have.

A little part of my story…

I was worried. And it wasn’t just about one thing. It was about a lot of things. Whether it was that time when my husband’s orchestra was on strike, or the time when I couldn’t bear the thought of moving if he actually did win that big audition, or that other time when there was a very bad virus and our entire industry and livelihood (and schools!) were shut down, or when I didn’t think I could possibly figure out or handle the logistics and stress of last-minute moving my husband, myself, and our three little children out of our rental home (for good) straight into being on the road for ten weeks and at the end of that searching for a new home (to purchase! ack!), I was a worrying mess.

I worried so much about so many things that it became my way of life—I worried and fussed about all the things, big or small. I didn’t realize just how much it drove my husband crazy and did not allow for him to perform at his best when he needed to. It was damaging to our relationship and it got in the way of my own achievement, too. 

But through my own personal growth and coaching journey, combined with quite a bit of faith and prayer, I learned how to turn the tables on my worries and manage my thoughts and actions. Deep down, I knew that God doesn’t make mistakes and didn’t create us to be miserable, and that I was in the right place and could thrive in my own actually-quite-awesome life.

Hi there! I’m Karyn, and I’m so happy you’re here!

Karyn holding a violin and tossing a football

Our work together will allow you to create your own individual way to thrive and find balance on the awesome adventure that is sharing and building a life with your professional athlete or performing artist.

Karyn holding a violin and tossing a football

Hi there! I’m Karyn, and I’m so happy you’re here!

Our work together will allow you to create your own individual way to thrive and find balance on the awesome adventure that is sharing and building a life with your professional athlete or performing artist.

I’m a wife, a mom of three, and a musician, and I became a certified professional coach specifically to help women living a life similar to minebeing the partner of someone with a career in a high-level-performance industry. I received my bachelor’s degree from the University of Notre Dame (where I didn’t major in music and was able to spectate some super-fun athletics, I’ll let you guess which ones), and I’ve been a professional violinist for over twenty years. 

My talented musician husband and I recently celebrated our fifteenth wedding anniversary with much joy! But sadly, over many of those years, I did not always give the most helpful support that my husband needed, even as someone who supposedly “understood” what it meant to be a professional performing artist!

Honestly, let’s face it, I was a pain in the butt. It took me a long time (too long) to realize that, and I still work at it every day! But over the years I have gathered and learned to use the tools that work for me and my husband, and I want that for you, too.

Working Genius Badge
Coaching Mastery Badge

I’m a wife, a mom of three, and a musician, and I became a certified professional coach specifically to help women living a life similar to minebeing the partner of someone with a career in a high-level-performance industry. I received my bachelor’s degree from the University of Notre Dame (where I didn’t major in music and was able to spectate some super-fun athletics, I’ll let you guess which ones), and I’ve been a professional violinist for over twenty years. 

My talented musician husband and I recently celebrated our fifteenth wedding anniversary with much joy! But sadly, over many of those years, I did not always give the most helpful support that my husband needed, even as someone who supposedly “understood” what it meant to be a professional performing artist!

Honestly, let’s face it, I was a pain in the butt. It took me a long time (too long) to realize that, and I still work at it every day! But over the years I have gathered and learned to use the tools that work for me and my husband, and I want that for you, too.

Working Genius Badge
Coaching Mastery Badge

If you’d like to discover and develop your own tools to thrive with your talented high-performing husband, and at the same time go after and achieve your own aspirations and ambitions, you’re in the right place.

“Karyn helped me realize that I actually have more tools to help myself than I thought I had! She helped me ‘organize my toolbox.’ My confidence level rose, as Karyn was very supportive, and I loved how she gave me time to breathe and think.”

~ R. N.

Husband and wife hugging goodbye at airport

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