RNR ~ Resilience Not Resentment

1-session Private Coaching Opportunity

Are you becoming more and more resentful for holding down the fort while your husband focuses on his dreams?

Maybe you’re sick of spending your evenings all alone, in a new apartment in a new city with no friends or family nearby. Or, you wake up, still exhausted from navigating yesterday’s toddler-life and feeling worn out at the thought of spending today managing the mayhem again by yourself.

Sound familiar? Then it’s time for some RNR! Get Resilience Not Resentment and understand exactly why you’re increasingly irritated by your spouse’s commitments and starting to crack under all the daily challenges you manage.

You’ll learn why you’re so exasperated and unhappy and why you find yourself silently screaming about the unfairness of the whole situation… all in under an hour.

How it works: Complete a personal reflection questionnaire and then hop on a 60-minute call over Zoom with me.

At the end you will know:

  • The real reason you’re so mad at your husband for sleeping in while you get the kids up and ready for school. (It’s not what you think!)
  • How to get creative, find solutions, and adapt without tears when your spouse’s last-minute schedule changes threaten to ruin your plans for the day.
  • What you can accomplish right away – exactly, in concrete, tailored-for-you action steps – to feel and function better. (Don’t worry, one of these will only take 5 minutes.)

This package includes:

  • personal reflection questionnaire
  • 1 x 60 min Zoom call with Karyn (~45 min coaching with time for questions and additional resources)

     Investment: $97

Get your revitalizing RNR—book your preferred time now!

“While I thought that coaching is extremely valuable, I’d never participated in a 1-on-1 session. I just have to say that it was SO great! Karyn’s method is very low pressure… yet VERY effective. The time flew by, and I left with some great takeaways and ideas to use immediately. I highly recommend (and have recommended personally) the Resilience not Resentment coaching!”

~ T. P.

Husband and wife hugging goodbye at airport

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