MVP ~ Most Valuable Partner

10-session Private Coaching Package

In MVP ~ Most Valuable Partner, we will work through three overarching pillars to bring you closer to defining and achieving your own dreams and goals:

Understand Your Present

We’ll start by taking an honest look at your present circumstances, particularly about what you need and what your husband needs. Maybe you need more time for managing your boutique, but he needs you to come to more tournaments. We’ll look at what’s been happening and where you are currently with your relationships (with your husband and others), your health, work, faith, and more. 

By understanding where you are now, learning more about what you and your husband actually need (and how to ask for those things), and clarifying what areas are your highest priorities, you’ll have a solid starting point for supporting yourself and the one you love.

Pinpoint Who You Are

Next we’ll look at your beliefs about who you think you are, who you really are, and who you want to be. We’ll assess your values to pinpoint what’s really important to you. You want your husband to follow his dreams, but maybe you feel held back, finding yourself barely hanging on, desperately waiting for him to come home after a performance while once again you’ve dealt with homework, dinner, and a toddler vs. dog situation over a bath toy. 

In these sessions, we’ll uncover your dreams, define your goals, and shine a light on why some things aren’t working. You’ll have a plan and actions to support your goals, and you’ll be able to let go of the frustration that comes from living a life unbalanced and misaligned with your values.

Overcome Obstacles

As you take action, we’ll examine any challenges and internal or external obstacles that surface. You’ve become really good at packing up your whole life for the third move this year (and by yourself because your husband is on the road), but you’re wondering how you’ll endure the fourth that you just learned about.

By identifying the things that stress and drain you, you’ll discover ways to overcome the self-defeating thoughts and habits that used to hold you back.

The MVP Result

Happy couple on a bridge

A truly realistic game plan that sets you up to successfully handle anything that comes your way in life (because things will come your way), so that you can genuinely support your talented loved one and pursue your own dreams and goals. You’ll know how to thrive instead of just survive.

Are you ready to thrive?

Book a free no-obligation call to fill me in on the kinds of challenges you’re experiencing and I’ll share more with you about my coaching process.

We’ll determine if we’re a great fit and discuss how we can make a fantastic team. Choose your preferred time below, and let’s get the conversation started!

Happy couple on a bridge

“It helped IMMENSELY to talk about my thought processes OUT LOUD with Karyn, and she helped make a roadmap for the plans in my head, always bringing back into focus the things that I wanted to concentrate on. My appointments with Karyn made the other 23 hours of my day easier, along with the days that followed!”

~ D. S.

Husband and wife hugging goodbye at airport

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