What is coaching anyway?

by | Jul 12, 2023

I can’t read minds.

But right now, I bet I know what you’re thinking…

“Karyn, I would LOVE to be able to really truly genuinely support my husband and his dreams and go after my own, too. And it would be awesome if you could help me with that. But what IS coaching, anyway?”

Well, I’m so glad you’ve asked! 

Coaching is an intentional conversation designed to help you discover new insights about yourself and take action to reshape your life around that learning. It’s a joint effort between two people – the coach and the client – to help the client define, pursue, and achieve their goals. The coach acts as a thinking partner; as a coach, I work with clients to help them understand their individual goals, and then empower them to develop and implement the skills, tools, and resources necessary to achieve those goals.

Coaching works because it brings out YOUR best – coaches believe that only you can create your own best answers, and we are trained to help and support you in that process. 

But now you might be wondering, “um… if I have my own best answers, can’t I just do this by myself?”

Well, yes, you could. 

But do you really want to? Have you tried to in the past, but didn’t really see any lasting results?

Sometimes you can’t figure out what you really want or need from a book or a do-it-yourself program. Sometimes you need extra care and personal attention to help you, walking you through each step, calling you out on your fears and doubts and offering support and guidance when you need it. 

Maybe you’ve heard this analogy: coaching is a bit like using GPS navigation. GPS helps you navigate unfamiliar (and even sometimes familiar!) roads and reach your destination. Like that system, a coach helps you navigate your personal or professional life to achieve your goals. 

Basically, like a GPS, the goal of coaching is to help you reach your desired destination, equipped with the tools and knowledge you need to navigate your journey with confidence. 

(But unlike a GPS, a coach can also help you figure out what your desired destination actually is! Because let’s face it – sometimes we don’t even know where we are going or where we want to go!)

So, you could get out a paper map and plan out your route by yourself. You will probably figure it out eventually in one way or another, but it’ll take longer to do so and you might run into some (literal) roadblocks along the way.

And unlike using a paper map by yourself, with coaching you’ll have the ongoing support to grow, set your goals, and fulfill your dreams quicker, easier, more comfortably, and more efficiently than going it alone.

So why not give it a shot? Book a complimentary connection call to find out more about how coaching can help you reach your destination!

Stay connected!

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